bugs.debian.org/984602 (was Re: New fai Update seams to breaks my build.)

Andreas Schockenhoff ASchockenhoff at gmx.de
Sun Mar 7 09:26:16 CET 2021


Am 06.03.2021 um 19:20 schrieb Andreas Schockenhoff:
> Am 06.03.2021 um 18:16 schrieb Thomas Lange:
>>      > I find the real problem fai-setup generates a /etc/exports
>>      > file with newline in the export entry.
>> This is bug 984602. See bugs.debian.org/984602
>> I've made a change in fai-setup to determine the IP of the first
>> interface, but this seems to fail with multiple interfaces
>> Can you please provide the output of this command:
>> ip -br ad show | awk '{print $3}'
>> A workaround is to set the variable SERVERINTERFACE in
>> /etc/fai/nfsroot.conf. See nfsroot.conf(5)
> Because fai is so flexible I have more workarounds as I need. :-)
I have select the workaround with a fcopy /etc/exports and a file in my
config space.

I use the '*' in my export file instead of the IPs because it is only a
lab environment in a extra net.

May be this is also a solution for the bug, because adding all
interfaces make the difference not so great.

And if someone like it more secure he has to set SERVERINTERFACE.

I like it because dynamic IPs are sometimes not so bad.

regards Andreas


mailto: ASchockenhoff at gmx.de

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