New fai Update seams to breaks my build.

Andreas Schockenhoff ASchockenhoff at
Sat Mar 6 18:10:12 CET 2021


Am 06.03.2021 um 11:10 schrieb Thomas Lange:
> I guess this error is important to fix:
> Check all dracut and fai package versions if they are up to date.
> dracut should be 051-1 and FAI should be 5.10.

OK, sorry looks like I add this problem at debugging. :-(

I find the real problem fai-setup generates a /etc/exports file with
newline in the export entry.

FAI packages and related packages inside the nfsroot:
dracut             051-1
dracut-live        051-1
dracut-network     051-1
dracut-squash      051-1
fai-client         5.10
fai-nfsroot        5.10
fai-setup-storage  5.10
Waiting for background jobs to finish
[1]+  Done                    nice xz -q $NFSROOT/var/tmp/base.tar  (wd: /srv/fai/nfsroot)
fai-make-nfsroot finished properly.
Log file written to /var/log/fai/fai-make-nfsroot.log and /srv/fai/nfsroot/var/tmp
Adding line to /etc/exports: /srv/fai/config,ro,no_subtree_check)
Adding line to /etc/exports: /srv/fai/nfsroot,ro,no_subtree_check,no_root_squash)
Job for nfs-server.service failed.
See "systemctl status nfs-server.service" and "journalctl -xe" for details.
invoke-rc.d: initscript nfs-kernel-server, action "reload" failed.
Log file written to /var/log/fai/fai-setup.log

The /etc/export have also the extra line brakes between the IPs

I fear that I have generated this problem with mixed Linux and
Windows(notepad) git edits of my config files.

But interesting that this only appears after update and also not with
old fai from original debian/buster.

regards Andreas


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