Recommendations regarding Debian Jessie and systemd?

René Bleisch accounts at
Fri Jun 19 11:10:42 CEST 2015

Hi Dirk

I'm also running several jessie-clients now without serious problems,
I'm using dracut too.

I dont see any "systemd-tmpfiles" messages in my syslogs.

Just a question: are you trying to use "pure" systemd or both systemd
and sys-v-init together?
As far as I know, standard jessie uses both together (and so do I),
because there are maybe some services which still require sys-v-init.

I've installed the following systemd/sys-v-init related packages:



PS: here some hints for two annoying but not serious jessie-issues which
I encountered:

  * by default, shutdown/reboot seems not to be possible from within
    user-sessions (root-only)
      o => one needs to edit
        "/usr/share/polkit-1/actions/org.freedesktop.login1.policy" (set
        allow_any/allow_inactive/allow_active) to yes in the
        "org.freedesktop.login1.power-off..." and
        "org.freedesktop.login1.reboot..." sections )
  * If I shutdown/reboot from within a ssh-session, the ssh-session are
    not cleanly terminated but stay hanging (see ) - even
    CTRL-C or CTRL-D wont kill the session, I only can do it by closing
    the terminal
      o => I use the workaround which Tom Hutter is recommending
        where a "ssh-user-sessions.service" job is started which
        executes a "killall ssh" before shutdown. Its not really a nice
        thing, but at least the sessions dont hang anymore

On 06/19/2015 10:35 AM, Dirk Geschke wrote:
> Hi Thomas,
>>> Any suggestions, ideas, workable solutions, ...?
>> Why don't you just remove the fstab entry for /run?
> systemd creates it, if it is not part of fstab...
> Then this service 
>    systemd-tmpfiles-setup.service 
> creates the needed files, e.g. for ssh it uses:
>    /usr/lib/tmpfiles.d/sshd.conf
> Which defines:
>    d /var/run/sshd 0755 root root
> So this directory gets created and ssh can start. But if /run is still
> read-only, it fails...
> Probably I can find a work around for this. But it was my first try
> with systemd and I had such problems. So I'm curious if I have to
> expect more such problems and it would be a better way to stay with
> system-v-init...
> Last time a reboot did not work, the network was canceled, the conosole
> still showed the login prompt but did not react on input. A hard-reboot
> resultet in fsck-runs and again / was rw mounted after
> systemd-tmpfiles-setupSo this directory gets created and ssh can start.
> But if /run is still
> read-only, it fails...
> Probably I can find a work around for this. But it was my first try
> with systemd and I had such problems. So I'm curious if I have to
> expect more such problems and it would be a better way to stay with
> system-v-init...
> Last time a reboot did not work, the network was canceled, the conosole
> still showed the login prompt but did not react on input. A hard-reboot
> resultet in fsck-runs and again / was rw mounted after
> systemd-tmpfiles-setupSo this directory gets created and ssh can start.
> But if /run is still
> read-only, it fails...
> Probably I can find a work around for this. But it was my first try
> with systemd and I had such problems. So I'm curious if I have to
> expect more such problems and it would be a better way to stay with
> system-v-init...
> Last time a reboot did not work, the network was canceled, the conosole
> still showed the login prompt but did not react on input. A hard-reboot
> resultet in fsck-runs and again / was rw mounted after
> systemd-tmpfiles-setupSo this directory gets created and ssh can start.
> But if /run is still
> read-only, it fails...
> Probably I can find a work around for this. But it was my first try
> with systemd and I had such problems. So I'm curious if I have to
> expect more such problems and it would be a better way to stay with
> system-v-init...
> Last time a reboot did not work, the network was canceled, the conosole
> still showed the login prompt but did not react on input. A hard-reboot
> resultet in fsck-runs and again / was rw mounted after
> systemd-tmpfiles-setupSo this directory gets created and ssh can start.
> But if /run is still
> read-only, it fails...
> Probably I can find a work around for this. But it was my first try
> with systemd and I had such problems. So I'm curious if I have to
> expect more such problems and it would be a better way to stay with
> system-v-init...
> Last time a reboot did not work, the network was canceled, the conosole
> still showed the login prompt but did not react on input. A hard-reboot
> resultet in fsck-runs and again / was rw mounted after
> systemd-tmpfiles-setupSo this directory gets created and ssh can start.
> But if /run is still
> read-only, it fails...
> Probably I can find a work around for this. But it was my first try
> with systemd and I had such problems. So I'm curious if I have to
> expect more such problems and it would be a better way to stay with
> system-v-init...
> Last time a reboot did not work, the network was canceled, the conosole
> still showed the login prompt but did not react on input. A hard-reboot
> resultet in fsck-runs and again / was rw mounted after
> systemd-tmpfiles-setupSo this directory gets created and ssh can start.
> But if /run is still
> read-only, it fails...
> Probably I can find a work around for this. But it was my first try
> with systemd and I had such problems. So I'm curious if I have to
> expect more such problems and it would be a better way to stay with
> system-v-init...
> Last time a reboot did not work, the network was canceled, the conosole
> still showed the login prompt but did not react on input. A hard-reboot
> resultet in fsck-runs and again / was rw mounted after
> systemd-tmpfiles-setupSo this directory gets created and ssh can start.
> But if /run is still
> read-only, it fails...
> Probably I can find a work around for this. But it was my first try
> with systemd and I had such problems. So I'm curious if I have to
> expect more such problems and it would be a better way to stay with
> system-v-init...
> Last time a reboot did not work, the network was canceled, the console
> still showed the login prompt but did not react on input. A hard-reboot
> resultet in fsck-runs and again / was rw mounted after systemd tried to
> fill /run...
> Per default the journallog is on /run, so gone after a reboot. One more
> point, one should take care of via FAI and create a /var/log/journal
> directory. It's not really a problem, one has to have it in mind.
> But maybe someone has it all together, what has to be done in order
> to work effectively with systemd.
> Best regards
> Dirk
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