Recommendations regarding Debian Jessie and systemd?

Dirk Geschke dirk at
Fri Jun 19 12:00:41 CEST 2015

Hi Rene,

> I'm also running several jessie-clients now without serious problems,
> I'm using dracut too.
> I dont see any "systemd-tmpfiles" messages in my syslogs.
> Just a question: are you trying to use "pure" systemd or both systemd
> and sys-v-init together?
> As far as I know, standard jessie uses both together (and so do I),
> because there are maybe some services which still require sys-v-init.

it is a default debian jessie installation. I isolated the problem,
it was a loopback mount of TeX-live-ISO-Image which was not available.

But I get the same problem every time a reboot fails. A hard reset
results in fsck of the ext4 partitions. After this the root partition
is re-mounted rw. But creating of /run is done before, but systemd
failed to create directories/files in it. Hence sshd can not start
and fails... :-/

journalctl mentions it was a problem with umounting a busy /var
partition. Probably because journalctl was using it...?

> PS: here some hints for two annoying but not serious jessie-issues which
> I encountered:
>   * by default, shutdown/reboot seems not to be possible from within
>     user-sessions (root-only)
>       o => one needs to edit
>         "/usr/share/polkit-1/actions/org.freedesktop.login1.policy" (set
>         allow_any/allow_inactive/allow_active) to yes in the
>         "org.freedesktop.login1.power-off..." and
>         "org.freedesktop.login1.reboot..." sections )
>   * If I shutdown/reboot from within a ssh-session, the ssh-session are
>     not cleanly terminated but stay hanging (see
> ) - even
>     CTRL-C or CTRL-D wont kill the session, I only can do it by closing
>     the terminal
>       o => I use the workaround which Tom Hutter is recommending
>         (,
>         where a "ssh-user-sessions.service" job is started which
>         executes a "killall ssh" before shutdown. Its not really a nice
>         thing, but at least the sessions dont hang anymore

Ah, that's good to know. I'm not so far yet to stumble around this
but probably I will...

Thanks and best regards


| Dr. Dirk Geschke       / Plankensteinweg 61    / 85435 Erding        |
| Telefon: 08122-559448  / Mobil: 0176-96906350 / Fax: 08122-9818106   |
| dirk at / dirk at  / kontakt at |

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