fai-mirror and conflicting packages

Holger Parplies wfai at parplies.de
Sat Jun 21 02:56:44 CEST 2014


Toomas Tamm wrote on 2014-06-20 14:39:57 +0300 [Re: fai-mirror and conflicting packages]:
> On Fri, 2014-06-20 at 13:09 +0200, Thomas Lange wrote:
> > >>>>> On Fri, 20 Jun 2014 12:02:39 +0200, Andreas Heinlein <aheinlein at gmx.com> said:
> >     > Perhaps you have an idea how to do this better than manually seeking
> >     > through the list and try to find out the really needed packages?
> > I do not know a tools for that. But using apt-cache (depends and
> > rdepends) and apt-rdepends should help creating a small programm for
> > that task. Ask on #debian-devel if someone already did that.

actually, I've done that. It's a quick and dirty hack, uncommented and without
any guarantees, but it seems to have worked for me at some point in time ;-),
so feel free to try it if you like (and please tell me if something doesn't
work). Reads 'dpkg --get-selections' type output from stdin and writes to
stdout (including package count lines, so you'll have to delete those ;-).
I just saw that I write a different format to stdout (only one package per
line, without the 'install' required on stdin).

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