fai-mirror and conflicting packages

Thomas Lange lange at informatik.uni-koeln.de
Fri Jun 20 13:09:08 CEST 2014

>>>>> On Fri, 20 Jun 2014 12:02:39 +0200, Andreas Heinlein <aheinlein at gmx.com> said:

    > The most time is spent in each aptitude call while doing
    >> Reading package lists... Done
    >> Building dependency tree      
    >> Reading state information... Done
    >> Reading extended state information     
    >> Initializing package states... Done
    >> Writing extended state information... Done
Yes, calling this too often is very slow on a slow machine.

    > I guess the main problem here is our packages list, it was created by
    > manually installing a master system and taking the output from 'dpkg
    > --get-selections'.
You've got it. This is a bad idea.

    > Perhaps you have an idea how to do this better than manually seeking
    > through the list and try to find out the really needed packages?
I do not know a tools for that. But using apt-cache (depends and
rdepends) and apt-rdepends should help creating a small programm for
that task. Ask on #debian-devel if someone already did that.

I would remove the whole package list, and add every package you like to have
on this machine manually.

regards Thomas

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