fai-mirror and conflicting packages

Andreas Heinlein aheinlein at gmx.com
Fri Jun 20 12:02:39 CEST 2014


I am trying a new run with a ramdisk right now. But it doesn't look much
faster :-(

The most time is spent in each aptitude call while doing
> Reading package lists... Done
> Building dependency tree      
> Reading state information... Done
> Reading extended state information     
> Initializing package states... Done
> Writing extended state information... Done

before and after each run. I haven't timed it exactly, but it seems like
3 seconds for an aptitude call which actually doesn't download anything.
And yes, this machine IS slow, it's a low-cost Pentium DualCore Box.

I guess the main problem here is our packages list, it was created by
manually installing a master system and taking the output from 'dpkg
--get-selections'. This means every dependency package is included
explicitly in the package list. So for the 1.500 packages which the
system contains, fai-mirror now does 1.500 aptitude calls, most of them
do not download anything because the package has already been downloaded
as a dependency before.

Perhaps you have an idea how to do this better than manually seeking
through the list and try to find out the really needed packages?


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