AW: Error message after installing via fai-cd before reboot with UBUNTU

Holger Parplies wfai at
Thu Dec 4 11:09:37 CET 2014


Fabian Hartmann wrote on 2014-12-03 07:53:51 +0000 [AW: AW: Error message after installing via fai-cd before reboot with UBUNTU]:
> Hmm, I tried it out as you described, but unfortunately without any success.

["it" being:]

> > Von: linux-fai [mailto:linux-fai-bounces at] Im Auftrag von
> > Thomas Lange
> > [...]
> > >>>>> On Tue, 2 Dec 2014 07:59:47 +0000, Fabian Hartmann
> > <fabian.hartmann at> said:
> > 
> >     > And I remember to not have this problem in the beginning while working
> > with an example disk_config from FAIBASE with a /tmp partition...
> >     > So that could probably be causing the problem! Is it necessary to create a
> > partition for /tmp or is there a work-around by hooking in another faiend-
> > script?
> > 
> > You can write a hook that is called after task mountdisks, mount a tmpfs on
> > top of /target/tmp. That should do the trick.
> > 
> > /srv/fai/config/hooks/mountdisks.DEFAULT:
> > 
> > #! /bin/bash
> > 
> > mkdir -p $target/tmp
> > mount -t tmpfs tmpfs $target/tmp

Aren't hooks run *before* the task? I remember a tip I have read here and
successfully used for emulating a post-hook:


	skiptask mountdisks

	# your code goes here

After all, making the directory and mounting the tmpfs *before* task mountdisks
would explain why it's not visible ;-).


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