Menu-like user-input for FAI (with cd) possible?

Fabian Hartmann fabian.hartmann at
Mon Dec 1 12:31:45 CET 2014

Hi guys

I would like to setup an ubuntu 14.04 system with fai 4.2.5 and fai-cd and let the installer user choose the static IP address information of the system.
Is there a chance to this? I thought about a little ncurses menu where the user can enter the IP, netmask and gateway.

I know then the installation is not fully automated it might be a silly question to post here, but is it possible at all to integrate such a user-dialog into the scripts section ?
When I try to run commands like dpkg-reconfigure in a fai/config/scripts/ bash-script, it is not executed.


Fabian Hartmann                AG
Dipl. Inf. Ing. FH                      Hardturmstrasse 127, 8005 Zürich
fabian.hartmann at<mailto:fabian.hartmann at>        Tel: +41 55 214 18 43

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