AW: AW: Error message after installing via fai-cd before reboot with UBUNTU

Thomas Lange lange at
Wed Dec 3 09:21:29 CET 2014

>>>>> On Wed, 3 Dec 2014 07:53:51 +0000, Fabian Hartmann <fabian.hartmann at> said:

    > Then I wanted to have a look at another shell, but there are only two other consoles with messages from dmesg, no shell where I could actually do something on the live-system.
    > How can I configure the live-system to provide me with shell-access in another terminal. I remember to have had this while using fai with Debian.

Normally pressing alt-F2 or alt-F3 gives you a console, if you have
defined the FAI_FLAGS=createvt
regards Thomas

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