linux-image-3.12-0.bpo.1-amd64 dracut: FATAL: Don`t know how to handle root=/srv/fai/nfsroot

Thomas Lange lange at
Fri Apr 25 10:57:35 CEST 2014

>>>>> On Fri, 25 Apr 2014 09:13:35 +0200, René Bleisch <accounts at> said:

    > It seems that now "nfs" is needed at the begin of the NFSROOT entry in nfsroot.conf, to get dracut to recognize the fai-server
    > NFSROOT=nfs:phkup26:/srv/fai/nfsroot    (instead of  NFSROOT=phkup26:/srv/fai/nfsroot )

Which FAI and dracut version are you using?
I have this in my nfsroot.conf:

I'm sure, I never had a host name in this line.
IIRC NFSROOT should not be used for specifying the nfsroot kernel
command line parameter. man dracut.cmdline says: ".. root=/dev/nfs
nfsroot=  is deprecated". Now you should use root=.

I have root= in my pxelinux.cfg files.

    > Was there a change in fai-chboot? (Did former versions eventually add the "nfs:" automatically to the nfsroot when creating the tftp-file?)
Yes, there was a change in FAI 4.1.

regards Thomas

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