Install config help needed

Toomas Tamm tt-fai at
Fri May 25 09:05:18 CEST 2012

On Thu, 2012-05-24 at 17:08 -0700, Steve B. wrote:
> Been trying for a week to get FAI to work on a Ubuntu 12.04 with no
> success.   I have been testing both a physical and virtual target and
> same results. I have FAI 3.4.8 installed.

While in principle FAI should work under Ubuntu, I would recommend
Debian stable for the learning stage. That is the environment FAI is
primarily targeted for, and seems to have the largest user base as well.

Once you have mastered installing a basic Debian system with FAI (off a
Debian faiserver), you can consider switching the installation target to
Ubuntu, or trying an Ubuntu FAI server, or eventually both.

It is good to keep the working Debian FAI server available for
reference, so that you can compare your failing installations with
successful ones, and spot differences. If physical hosts are scarce, the
FAI server can be transfered to a virtual machine, but again, for
learning I would start with physical host in order to avoid initial
problems with networking setup.

Hoping this helps,

Toomas Tamm

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