proposed patch for make-fai-nfsroot

Michael Tautschnig mt at
Sun Mar 27 23:34:55 CEST 2011

Hi again,

> I'm personally thrilled that this patch is now in FAI because it will save me time when I upgrade, but I guess the question that I'm left with is - when is it best to write something as a hook and when is it best to submit it as a patch against FAI itself?

First of all, obviously it makes almost always sense to share at least the
ideas, if not the implementation with others. And that's obviously much easier
if it is integrated into FAI itself. Yet I think two questions are to be

- Is this change useful for anybody else?
- Will it break existing configs?

If the answers are "yes" for the first one and "no" for the second one it
probably best goes in mainline FAI. Otherwise it doesn't :-)


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