Software RAID + LVM2

Michael Tautschnig mt at
Mon Mar 14 18:33:53 CET 2011

Hi Fredrik,

> We're now at 4.0~beta2+experimental61.
> I ran into something though, when upgrading our production server,
> that I run 'mdadm-startall' in a class/-script at the test server. I
> had to add this to our production server to make things work, is
> this what you're supposed to do or should this rather be included in
> setup-storage?

I was trying to reproduce this situation over here for further testing. Using
your config I first created the RAID array and the LVM on top of it. After a
manual shutdown using vgchange -a n ; mdadm --stop --scan not even doing
mdadm-startall would revive the RAID array. A reboot, however, did! I therefore
wonder why the RAID array isn't running at the beginning of an install run, but
mdadm-startall fixing the situation!?

I'm therefore a bit reluctant to adding mdadm-startall to setup-storage as it
did not prove to be a reliable way of starting arrays on the one hand, and
arrays being started anyway by a reboot on the other hand. I understand that my
test environment only catches one of many cases, and even more it's squeeze
already plus an ordinary system and no NFS root. Still, would you be fine with
keeping the mdadm-startall in your local configs?

Best regards,

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