Strange AUFS problem with squeeze...

Michael Tautschnig mt at
Thu Mar 10 23:47:32 CET 2011

Hi Dirk,

Even though that's quite a while ago there hasn't been any activity on this one.

> For example:
> fcopy: copied /var/lib/fai/config/files/etc/init.d/fai-update/TRAIN to /target/etc/init.d/fai-update
> update-rc.d: error: unable to read /etc/init.d/fai-update

Does it help if you add a `sleep 1` command somewhere in between, i.e., is it
some timing/concurrency issue? Does this also happen if you manually create a
file and try to access it immediately afterwards?

> If I use cfengine to create links on directories which are not yet there
> it seems that the kernel throws a stack trace regarding the module "aufs"
> and the installation stops here.
> Has anyone an idea/solution/fix for this strange behaviour? 

It might be worthwhile posting the stack trace for others to investigate.

But other than that, sorry, no idea (and searching on the web didn't turn up
anything useful either). Just make sure your RAM is ok, maybe run memtest to
rule out hardware issues.


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