chboot sub disable question/issue

Michael Tautschnig mt at
Wed Mar 9 20:46:21 CET 2011

[...] (my bogus message)

> I have no problem losing the dashes, it was going to a format such as 0A07045B that would make it more difficult.  However, my questions yet remains, if the PXE booted machine is asking for 
> Mar  8 17:42:30 mg006 in.tftpd[9529]: RRQ from filename fai/pxelinux.cfg/01-00-30-48-72-64-64
> how is it going to work if my file is named fai/pxelinux.cfg/01003048726464?
> I don't think that it will. The file on my tftp server needs to match what the computer is asking for. Yes?

Sorry, it's not just different formats; only 01-... is the MAC address, whereas
0A07045B is the IP (!) address in hex notation. Sorry about that.

So the option of converting only is available if your IP addresses are fixed.
Then you could automagically convert all 01-* names using a nice wrapper around
arp -n -a. Otherwise, if your IP addresses are *not* fixed there will be no way
around a hook to replace task_chboot: if the install client's IP address does
not statically map to a MAC address you can only read the MAC address on the
client and communicate that to the server.

Is that of any help?


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