debian 6

Natxo Asenjo natxo.asenjo at
Fri Feb 4 15:42:28 CET 2011

On Fri, Feb 4, 2011 at 3:03 PM, Thomas Lange
<lange at> wrote:
>>>>>> On Fri, 4 Feb 2011 14:41:42 +0100, Natxo Asenjo <natxo.asenjo at> said:
>    > with debian 6 releasing this weekend, what is the best strategy for
>    > upgrading a stock lenny fai server?
> You have to distinguish between upgrading the server OS itself, and
> upgrading to a new FAI version including the FAI nfsroot and
> configuration space. It also depends if you still like to install
> lenny clients but using a squeeze install server, or if you mean how
> to migrate your config space + nfsroot for lenny installation to
> installations of squeeze clients.

so if I run apt-get dist-upgrade, it will not automatically update the
nfsroot for lenny? Looking at, the fai-nfsroot and
fai-server packages versions for lenny and squeeze are 3.2.17 vs 3.4.7
respectively. So I assumed that upgrading the os would also upgrade
those packages. I'll obviously have to test this before running the
upgrade :)

> My strategy is to still use a lenny install server but I upgraded my
> lenny config space to support lenny and squeeze installation. This
> needed some time but in the end is wasn't that much to change or add.
> I also have different nfsroots one for lenny (using 3.4.5) and one for
> squeeze (using 3.4.7).

I will look into this as well. Thanks.


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