anonymous checkout vie http seems broken

Sven Hergenhahn svenxy at
Fri Aug 26 09:59:31 CEST 2011


I'm new to the list and to FAI. I might setup FAI for RHEL, but that's
up to the "gods" to decide. Meanwhile I'd like to make myself
comfortable with FAI.

Unfortunately, the svn port is blocked on our firewall, so I need to
checkout the source code via http - if possible.

So I went to the wiki and found the svn:// url, which I tried to use,
but with http:

% svn co fai-source

svn: Das Projektarchiv wurde permanent nach
»« verschoben; bitte umplatzieren

OK, so I tried:

% svn co fai-source

svn: OPTIONS von »«: 200 OK

Hmmm. also tried some other slight modifications to the URL and even ran
these through a browser, but to no avail.

While I can browse the code through, I'd still like to be able to
somehow check it out.

Any hints? Some other way to retrieve the sources? (the unofficial git
seems not to answer)


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