not booting from disk

Alexander Swen alex at
Sat Apr 16 09:17:31 CEST 2011

> Although there definitively are some bugs as this problem should be
> diagnosed in
> a sane way, the problem should be solvable on your side:

> setup-storage relies on the variable disklist to carry the list of
> devices that
> could possibly be made use of. Now this variable is set by FAI, but
> that happens
> quite early on. As you only create the devices in this hook, they
> won't end up
> in the disklist variable.

> The solution should be as follows:

> - Rename your hook to partition.DB-server.source
> - As a result, your hook will not be executed in a subshell, but will
> be sourced
> instead.
> - At the very end add (possibly with a sleep or more correctly a call
> to
> udevsettle in between) a call to set_disk_info. This is a built-in
> routine of
> FAI that will properly set the variable disklist, which is then used
> by
> setup-storage.

sounds like a great work-arround! thanks! will try later today. let you kjnow whether it works or not. 
best regards! 

> Hope this helps,
> Michael
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