not booting from disk

Michael Tautschnig mt at
Sat Apr 16 09:11:43 CEST 2011


> hi, that is 3.4.7 (debian 6 stable). Is there anything that I can do to workarround this bug? 
> or can I provide you with more info? (my hook script that creates the raid arrays can be found at 
> the fdisk -l command at the end shows four disks... 
> regards 

Although there definitively are some bugs as this problem should be diagnosed in
a sane way, the problem should be solvable on your side:

setup-storage relies on the variable disklist to carry the list of devices that
could possibly be made use of. Now this variable is set by FAI, but that happens
quite early on. As you only create the devices in this hook, they won't end up
in the disklist variable.

The solution should be as follows:

- Rename your hook to partition.DB-server.source
- As a result, your hook will not be executed in a subshell, but will be sourced
- At the very end add (possibly with a sleep or more correctly a call to
  udevsettle in between) a call to set_disk_info. This is a built-in routine of
  FAI that will properly set the variable disklist, which is then used by

Hope this helps,

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