proposed patch for make-fai-nfsroot

David Dreezer dave at
Thu Apr 7 01:31:23 CEST 2011

> A proper patch would indeed be preferred, but I would have been ok with merging
> this one as well if ...

Will do, once we have syntax that we can agree upon for the patch
>> # add any 3rd party repository keys that you may need installed into the NFSROOT
>> if [ -d $cfdir/apt/keys-added ]; then
>>        echo 'These *.asc files are 3rd party repository keys that have been added by make-fai-nfsroot' >> $NFSROOT/etc/apt/keys-a$
>                                                                                                                                   ^^^
> ... the above line wouldn't have looked as strange. I think there's some typo in
> here, and the directory you are writing to doesn't necessarily exist either, I
> guess.

Correct, it doesn't necessarily exist. And indeed the syntax is odd. Something to do with copy/pasting using less, and a narrow terminal window maybe? A function of doing too many things at once. My Apologies

Should read:

# add any 3rd party repository keys that you may need installed into the NFSROOT

if [ -d $cfdir/apt/keys-added ]; then
       echo 'These *.asc files are 3rd party repository keys that have been added by make-fai-nfsroot' >> $NFSROOT/etc/apt/keys-added/README
for f in `find $cfdir/apt/keys-added -type f -name *.asc`; do
       cat $f | $ROOTCMD apt-key add -

This is a little smaller than previous. I removed the mkdir lines from previous versions and am relying on debootstrap to copy over the keys-added directory if it is present, and asc files that may exist. Basically now I'm just setting a reminder and adding the keys. Shorter, cleaner, I think. The man file change that you made for build 70 should still be accurate.

> Thanks a lot for your work,
> Michael
Your welcome. Now that our FAI is in production for the last few weeks I haven't had much time to work on finishing this up.

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