Failed to obtain UUID (RAID, no LVM)

Thomas Lange lange at
Tue May 4 17:07:44 CEST 2010

>>>>> On Tue, 4 May 2010 11:01:29 -0400, David Ward <ansona10 at> said:

    > Hi, I'm trying a basic raid 1 config with no LVM and I get this error when
    > running fai-cd -
fai-cd? Are you sure?

    > PS - Here's a link to the console screenshot -

1) This link is broken!
2) Why do you use a screenshot and do not provide the log output. For
   example part of fai.log or format.log?

Please do not use screenshots and force us to click on a google link,
if a simple ASCII text file should do the same job!

regards Thomas

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