Software RAID + LVM2

Fredrik Eriksson fredrik.eriksson at
Tue Dec 14 18:17:41 CET 2010

Michael Tautschnig wrote:
> That might depend on when exactly you plan to do this migration.
We are planning on doing the migration when Squeeze is released, 
whenever that is.
Worst case scenario is if we have to use some/various temporary storage 
for backing the developers' /home, and obviously we'd like to avoid that.

> It seems there
> is some bug that needs fixing, and I'm currently extremely busy with real-life,
> with little hope of finding time for finding sufficient time before Christmas.
> Would that still be an acceptable deadline? Would you also be prepared to do
> some early testing of a bugfixed version? I guess I'll also need testers...
As long as you can stall the Squeeze release. ;)
Naw, just kiddin'. I would gladly do some testing, I have at least one 
test client system that I install several times a day to see that my 
tuning and changes work properly. We are currently able to install a 
fully operational 32bit and 64bit developer environment running both 
Lenny and Squeeze at close to fifteen minutes, with Squeeze + FAI 3.4.5 
in our test environment, with this RAID + LVM2 setup, but haven't 
managed to get the preservation bit working.
I'm not used to Perl, but point me in the right direction and we'll 
probably figure this out.

> Thanks and sorry for the not-so-helpful news
No worries, real-life is real-life, not least near Christmas. =)

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