linux-2.6/linux-base libata transition

Toomas Tamm tt-fai at
Tue Apr 13 12:36:03 CEST 2010


Debian release team has published the latest "Bits from the Release
Team" (dated April 1st) and this document
includes the following:

> There are some other transitions that we are aware of that are
> currently prepared and/or already going on:


>  * linux-2.6/linux-base libata transition
>     New drivers using 'libata' are about to replace the old IDE
>     drivers. linux-base will prompt you on x86 to upgrade your
>     configuration files (fstab, bootloader) to refer to stable UUIDs
>     instead of unpredictable device names.

I wonder how this will affect FAI; both the disk partitioning and
bootloader configuration? Is this a good thing to wait for, or a major
headache ahead?

Toomas Tamm

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