errors with FAI 3.3 and shell scripts

Michael Tautschnig mt at
Sun Nov 22 19:40:25 CET 2009


> I've investigated to understand the error, and found that the
> task_prepareapt function (and other FAI ones defined
> in /usr/lib/fai/subroutines) are transmitted through environment
> from /etc/init.d/rcS to FAI config scripts (like the hook script which
> install these packages) and even in the commands run in the chroot !
> These error messages are reported by <package>.p[re|ost]inst scripts
> called by apt-get inside the chroot !
>   I didn't find if it's a new property of FAI 3.3, but didn't have this
> kind of error before. I didn't equally found how to workaround it, i.e.
> to reset the environment for commands which don't need FAI
> configuration definitions, like apt-get command run in the chroot :
> have you any idea about this ?

Which kind of system did you upgrade? Just some standard client or was that the
NFSROOT itself? I also noticed some similar oddities within the chroot, but I
didn't care much as the NFSROOT is not really a "normal" system.


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