looking for help to run fai

Shankar Dutt sd.mamgain85 at gmail.com
Mon Jun 8 09:36:56 CEST 2009

, hello list
thanks for your help. i again want some more help
my problems is , now my dhcpd.conf running and first i set
FAI_ACTION=sysinfo and then I change ACTION= install, so i want to know how
many files requried to modify to change FAI_ACTION ?

second now my all data have lost ,and i getting the message :temprory
failure resolving  http//:ftp debia .org (my client and server not connected
trough internet , just through a direct wire),
now does i need to connect through internet  ?

and last, now my prompt showing  grub>

 so what i should do now for complete installation ?

Looking forward for your help

thank you
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