setup-storage : Error: Error initialising SCSI device /dev/sda - Invalid argument

Rudy Gevaert rudy.gevaert at
Mon Dec 14 14:02:31 CET 2009

Hi Michael,

Citeren Michael Tautschnig <mt at>:

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>> Hello Michael,
>> I've been away, so I'm not back to follow up on this.
>> Quoting Michael Tautschnig <mt at>:
>> >Could you do another run and run parted manually from the shell
>> >you should get
>> >dropped into? Like so:
>> >
>> >parted -s /dev/sda unit TiB print (should produce said error)
>> >parted -s /dev/sda mklabel msdos
>> >parted -s /dev/sda unit TiB print (should work)
>> >
>> >I'm just a bit worried for two reasons: (i) I haven't seen this  
>> error before,
>> >blank disks should cause a somewhat different error, and (ii)
>> >depending on your
>> >Xen configuration you may or may not have /dev/sda really
>> >available and only see
>> >/dev/sda1 instead. (I'm using the latter configuration style myself.)
>> >
>> root at shibidp1:/# parted -s /dev/sda unit TiB print
>> Error: Error initialising SCSI device /dev/sda - Invalid argument
>> root at shibidp1:/# parted -s /dev/sda mklabel msdos
>> Error: Error initialising SCSI device /dev/sda - Invalid argument
>> root at shibidp1:/# parted -s /dev/sda unit TiB print
>> Error: Error initialising SCSI device /dev/sda - Invalid argument
>> root at shibidp1:/# ls -l /dev/sda
>> brw-rw---- 1 root disk 8, 0 Dec 14 10:46 /dev/sda
>> root at shibidp1:/# ls -l /dev/sda1
>> brw-rw---- 1 root disk 8, 1 Dec 14 10:46 /dev/sda1
>> I'm exporting a logical volume to the xen vm.  This logical volume
>> is then the disk.
> You might want to post you Xen dom-U configuration file to check  
> back, but I'd
> assume that the dom-U can't access /dev/sda the usual way. Maybe Henning

this is in my domU config file for that host:

kernel  = '/boot/vmlinuz-2.6.26-2-xen-amd64'
ramdisk = '/boot/initrd.img-2.6.26-2-xen-amd64'

memory = 2048
name = "shibidp1"
ipadres = ""
vcpus = 1
disk = ["phy:xenvg/shibidp1,sda,w"]

(I have attached the script)

Maybe some more information, because I was misunderstood.

I have create an lvm volume on my dom0 and have exported that volume  
as sda to my domU.  I want to install that domU with FAI.

> (Sprang) can comment on this, he knows a lot more about all the Xen  
> stuff. The
> way I'm using Xen I can't access /dev/sda and consequently cannot do any
> partitioning inside dom-U.

I don't understand why this worked with my old fai (setup_harddisks).   
And with setup-storage it doesn't.

> With setup-storage you can use
> disk_config sda virtual
> and configure filesystems, etc. for each (existing!)  
> partition/device. See also
> the RAID_XEN_VIRTUAL example that is shipped in disk_config/ as part of the
> simple example configuration.

I understand that example is to be used for installing dom0's.  Right?


Using config file: /var/lib/fai/config/disk_config/SHIBBOLETH_IDP
Input was:
disk_config sda virtual
primary /boot       200       ext3    rw createopts="-L boot"
primary swap        2048      swap    sw createopts="-L swap"
primary /           6000-      ext3    rw createopts="-L root"
(CMD) parted -s /dev/sda unit TiB print 1> /tmp/KV0IPRnvL2 2> /tmp/kF7tT2dyVN
Executing: parted -s /dev/sda unit TiB print
Command parted -s /dev/sda unit TiB print had exit code 1
INTERNAL ERROR in setup-storage:
Table header not seen yet
Please report this error to the Debian Bug Tracking System.
(STDOUT) Error: Error initialising SCSI device /dev/sda - Invalid argument
Error in task partition. Traceback: task_error task_partition task  
task_install task task_action task main
Save log files via ssh to fai at
FATAL ERROR. Installation stopped.
bash: no job control in this shell

I hope Henning can be of assistance...

Thanks in advance,

-- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- --
Rudy Gevaert          Rudy.Gevaert at          tel:+32 9 264 4734
Directie ICT, afd. Infrastructuur  Direction ICT, Infrastructure dept.
Groep Systemen                     Systems group
Universiteit Gent                  Ghent University
Krijgslaan 281, gebouw S9, 9000 Gent, Belgie     
-- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- --

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