fai for ubuntu intrepid 8.10 clients?
Ryan Steele
ryans at aweber.com
Wed Nov 26 15:15:01 CET 2008
Achim Bohnet wrote:
> Am 25.11.2008 um 20:32 schrieb Ryan Steele:
>> Adrian Gibanel Lopez wrote:
>>> Hi list,
>>> This is my first message. I am trying to setup FAI so that it serves
>>> Ubuntu 8.10 as the client system.
>>> I've already checked in launchpad that ubuntu's intrepid's fai
>>> package
>>> has been updated to gutsy. But hardy ?
>> For what it's worth, I took the Lenny packages from Tomas Lange's
>> website (3.2.14) and adapted it for Hardy. Works fine, but it did
>> require some massaging to alter the package names (for example, the
>> aufs packages in Ubuntu are provided by linux-ubuntu-modules and it's
>> ilk), kernel names, and other differences.
> The ubuntu fai pkgs are build for an lauchpad bzr repo: lp:fai/ubuntu
> See https://code.launchpad.net/fai. You can compare to lp:fai branch
> with correponds to the debians code or build the ubuntu fai package.
> The diff.gz will contain the ubuntu changes.
> Would be nice if you could merge your changes. Or sent the diff
> compared to debians sources.
Well, my installation is kind of hacked up now; I've completely removed
the FAIBASE, GERMAN, and other classes that I never use. And,
unfortunately, my FAI server isn't even Hardy yet, I'm just using it to
install Hardy clients. So it wouldn't be a very pristine diff -
definitely not representative of a stock installation. But, if you give
me a week or two (perhaps over this holiday weekend I can find some
time), I can try to grab a virgin copy of 3.2.14 on a Hardy box and
generate a diff. Are the Intrepid packages much different than the
Hardy packages? I admit, I'm guilty of not having looked at the repo in
quite some time, since I needed a more bleeding edge version than what
was available from those repo's when I constructed my FAI server.
>>> Here there are some of the things that I have done so far:
>>> - Added demohost line to /etc/hosts line.
>>> - Setup /etc/fai/apt/sources.list to intrepid
>>> - Setup /etc/default/tftpd-hpa to my config.
>>> - Idem with /etc/dhpc3/dhcp.conf
>>> - Modified:
>>> FAI_DEBOOTSTRAP="intrepid
>>> file:/home/ubuntu_mirrors/us.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu"
>>> and:
>>> FAI_DEBOOTSTRAP_OPTS="--exclude=dhcp-client,info
>>> --include=aptitude,fontconfig,defoma,belocs-locales-bin"
>>> in /etc/fai/make-fai-nfsroot.conf.
>>> First line is obvious.
>>> The second line tried to fix a bug about aptitute command not being
>>> found
>>> (now it is found) and the fontconfig,deforma,belocs-locales-bin
>>> tried to
>>> fix some lack of packages on the client (I think so) because of some
>>> error
>>> that I have.
> Ah that's interesting.
If that's something folks are hitting, we should probably get some more
detail about what the user did to resolve the problem.
>>> - Modified NFSROOT so that: console-tools and sysvinit are not
>>> installed
>>> and upstart is installed. (I thought that it was the origin of the
>>> client
>>> problems but I am not sure any more.)
>>> - Followed the quick-start guide (copied the examples and so on)
>>> Once fai-setup -v is finished I try to boot the client.
>>> * It fetches ok kernel and initrd. I think it mounts the nfs ok.
>>> However I am not very about itbecause it often outputs:
>>> mount: error while loading share libraries: libsepol.so.1
>>> I have checked the NFSROOT interpretation by make-fai-nfsroot and
>>> libsepol
>>> seems to be installed ok so I do not understand why that happens.
>> Are libsepol1 and libsepol1-dev both installed?
> I run into the sam problem. It's not missing or wronge packages.
> For whatever reason most path include a /root prefix so binaries
> and libs are ther but not found.
> I've compared a lenny nfsroot/initrd with the ones from ubuntu
> but could not find the reason :(
This is something that I never hit when converting the Lenny packages to
Hardy. But your explanation isn't very clear to me - what do you mean
'most path include a /root prefix'? I can interpret that in several ways.
>>> * It outputs wc not found but coreutils seems to be installed. Is there
>>> any place where might I check the PATH?
>> Is the wc problem in the config space or in the client (/target)
>> space? You can chroot into the nfsroot on your FAI server to find
>> out pre-installation if it's in the nfsroot, and drop to a busybox
>> shell with a ctrl+c during the installation to find out if wc is
>> present in the client space.
> Again wrong file path spec. wc and libs are there. Only not found.
Again, please clarify your statement above.
>>> * It outputs grep: error while loading libpcre.so.3. What's the
>>> associate
>>> package for that?
>> Do an 'apt-cache search libpcre'; the answer should be self-evident.
>>> * It outputs complaints about perl because of en_US.UTF_8 locale not
>>> being
>>> correctly installed. How do I fix it? (It is very annoying).
>> This is because the locale is not being set during the installation.
>> Make sure belocs-locales-bin, locales, and util-linux-locales are in
>> the list of packages installed to the client. You can then make a
>> custom script that executes something like the following to make sure
>> it's the default locale when you reboot:
>> $ROOTCMD bash -x -c "echo \"LANG='en_US.UTF-8'
>> LC_TIME='en_US.UTF-8'
>> LC_PAPER='en_US.UTF-8'
>> LC_NAME='en_US.UTF-8'
>> LC_IDENTIFICATION='en_US.UTF-8'\" >> /etc/environment"
> As long as LC_* is not expictly set, the default to LANG. So
> equivalent version is
> $ROOTCMD bash -x -c "echo LANG=en_US.UTF-8
> LANGUAGE=en_US.UTF-*" >> /etc/environment
> Maybe I'm wrong but I think LANGUAGE is just set to en
No, I believe you are right. I just like to be very explicit in my
config settings, instead of relying on implicit rules. Just in case
there is some edge case I don't know about. I don't know if it's
practical paranoia or not, but it certainly doesn't hurt, and required
only a few extra keystrokes :)
>> That's just off the top of my head, so there may be typos :P
> Same for me ;)
> Once more please feel free to look at the sources at bzr branch
> lp:fai/ubuntu It contains latest debian code + ubuntu changes
> but does not boot due to the /root prefix that comes from nowhere.
> Any help fixing it is welcome.
Are these built for Intrepid? I haven't had time to look at the repo
yet, but if so, I suppose I can put Intrepid on one of my boxes this
weekend (I've been meaning to do that anyways) and give it the old
college try.
> Achim
>> I also, just as an extra precautionary measure, install postgres like
>> this in Hardy, since the postgresql-8.3 package uses the default
>> locale (which in my case and in your case was/is 'C' or 'POSIX'):
>> $ROOTCMD bash -x -c "export LANG='en_US.UTF-8' LANGUAGE='en_US.UTF-8'
>> LC_IDENTIFICATION='en_US.UTF-8' && apt-get -y install postgresql-8.3
>> postgresql-common postgresql-client-8.3 postgresql-client-common"
>>> And finally (not related to the client boot) I have also seen that when
>>> parsing NFSROOT file is not finding any ext2resize package.
>>> Is it a problem? How do I solve it?
>> If you want ext2resize in your nfsroot, put it in /etc/fai/NFSROOT
>> and run make-fai-nfsroot -k
>>> Thank you very much for all the help you can provide. I am here for
>>> providing any information that you request me.
>>> Adrian
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