FAI on Debian Lenny failing

Michael Tautschnig tautschn at model.in.tum.de
Sun May 18 10:35:13 CEST 2008

> Ok. Now I feel like a dummy. It appears that it was my local mirror that was
> causing the problems. After getting the mirror cleaned up, the fai-setup ran
> completely and I was able to get a client to boot with the sysinfo flag set.
> I will work with this for a bit to get more familiar with everything.
> However the end result is that I need to get it working on lenny as the
> machine that it will be running on is running lenny. I tend to use the
> testing flavour for my internal servers and stable for my firewall.
> Thanks for the help. I may be posting again when I start working with lenny.

Ok, cool that we got that working now. As far as lenny is concerned: Well, let's
hope that some fixed unionfs/kernel version is back into lenny soon...


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