magic_storage. TEST and return of experience.

Michael Tautschnig tautschn at
Fri Mar 28 16:12:32 CET 2008

Hi William,

First of all: Thank you very much for testing setup-storage in various
configurations -- especially RAID lacks testing...

> I found a pb with Raid option. i haven't found how to use spare disks under 
> raid array. I test the :spare:missing option, :spare I try multiple 
> solution but it doesn't seem to work.
> Last test under a 5 SCSI raid 4 disk array with a spare.
> the command is to create a 5 devices array instead of a 4 devices with a 
> spare.
> I looks to first use the "spare" array and then adding the other one 
> (result with cat /proc/mdstat when an other array is building to slow 
> construction)
> I hope this test will help developement.
This problem should be fixed in SVN revision 4855 - could you test it again? It
was simply lacking the code for handling the spare option - sorry!

> I am interesting to use the crypto setup (LURKS) I am ready to test any 
> solution tha can do it.
It was planned to integrate this into setup-storage, but I haven't found the
time to look into this yet.


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