executing custom bash script

Holger Parplies wfai at parplies.de
Wed Jul 16 16:51:03 CEST 2008


venne wrote on 2008-07-16 16:09:56 +0200 [Re: executing custom bash script]:
> [...]
> yeah, that's right. I'd like just give ... an ID, a name or an IP at 
> some moment durint FAI process. Ldap would make reste of the work, with 
> some ugly bash script. I've to resotre some sql base dump, and so on.
> that's the reason why,
> I've to give something to identify my client. but, how and where?

well, normally it's the ethernet cards MAC address which is translated into
an IP address by DHCP. Non-interactively. You can easily do any individual
configuration on a per hostname basis if you even need that.

Hope that helps.


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