FAI with LVM

James james at nttmcl.com
Mon Jan 21 19:25:53 CET 2008

James wrote:
> Christoph Kluenter wrote:
>> On Monday 14 January 2008 21:58:31 James wrote:
>>> Hi Will,
>>> I'm not in any hurry but the config files would be nice anyway if it's
>>> not inconvenient.
>>> I'm still playing with the whole thing in general so it'd be nice to 
>>> see
>>> a working config.
>> The wiki-Page describes everything. And I have put a working config 
>> for LVM there.
>> Regards,
>>      Christoph
>>> Thanks
>>> -James
> I'm having a problem when trying to setup LVM
> i get and error saying this doesn't exist :  *disk*_*var*.*sh
> i setup everything according to the instructions.
> partition.LVMTEST.source =
> #!/bin/sh
> #clean drives, BAD BAD HAX wipe the drive before lvm is loaded.
> dd if=/dev/zero of=/dev/sda2 bs=1k count=1
> dd if=/dev/zero of=/dev/sda1 bs=1k count=1
> dd if=/dev/zero of=/dev/sda bs=1k count=1
> hdparm -z /dev/sda
> # load the device mapper module for LVM support
> modprobe dm_mod
> #debug=1 /srv/fai/config/store/setup-storage
> debug=1 /var/lib/fai/config/store/setup-storage -X
> # skip the original parititioning
> . $LOGDIR/disk_var.sh
> skiptask partition
> 50-host-classes=
> #! /bin/bash
> # assign classes hosts
> # use a list of classes for our demo machine
> case $HOSTNAME in
>    LVM)
>        echo "FAIBASE LVMTEST" ;;
>    *)
>        echo "FAIBASE DHCPC" ;;
> esac
> (ifclass I386 || ifclass AMD64) && echo GRUB
> exit 0
> any ideas?
> -james
> *
oh also here's my disk_config layout:

# Simple LVM example
disk_config sda  bootable:1
primary /boot 500 ext3 defaults
primary -       4096-   -       -

disk_config lvm
vg lvmtest        sda2
lvmtest-swap     swap    1048    swap    sw
lvmtest-root     /       1048    xfs    defaults
lvmtest-var      /var    2048    xfs    defaults

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