grml live CD is using FAI for build process

Michael Prokop mika at
Tue Feb 26 19:53:15 CET 2008

* Henning Sprang <henning_sprang at> [20080226 19:34]:
> On Tue, 2008-02-26 at 19:20 +0100, Thomas Lange wrote:

> > the new version of grml (1.1) is now using FAI for their new
> > build-framework. Using FAI's action "dirinstall" and their own FAI
> > classes, they can now build the grml ISO images fully automatically.
> > grml is a bootable CD (Live-CD) based on Debian and includes a
> > collection of GNU/Linux software especially for system administrators
> > and users of texttools.

> Great!

> Another important note is, that the grml-live tool
>  can be downloaded from grml apt
> repositories, and installed on other deb distributions as well!
> I didn't yet test it too much, but it should basically be possible to
> use your existing fai configs to build live CD's from it - so, with one
> configspace, you can build real hardware systems, install cd's with all
> packages on them, live cd's, and virtual machine (e.g. Xen) images.

Yeah. :)

We have some nifty features on our wish/plan/todo list and it's
"growing on request". I really welcome any bug reports, patches and
feature requests.

> (what about uploading grml-live to debian?!)

I'm running through Debian's NM right now and for the long run I'd
like to provide grml-live to Debian, yeah.

( -» Linux Live-CD for texttool-users and sysadmins
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