Compiling source code on FAI client

Michael Tautschnig tautschn at
Mon Feb 11 13:24:22 CET 2008


>     1    #!/bin/bash
>     2       3    $ROOTCMD cp -R /media/mirror/clustersoft /home/cluster     
>   4    $ROOTCMD chmod -R 777 /home/cluster/clustersoft
>     5    $target/usr/bin/gcc $target/home/cluster/clustersoft/test.c
> From previous runs I learned that I have to put the keyword "$target" 
> infront of the gcc command and in front of the file I would like to compile 
> (test.c). But know, fai complains that the file stdio.h (this is file which 
> I include in test.c) can not be found. Obviously, I should also add the 
> keyword "$target" infront of any filename I call within the source-code, 
> but this would not make any sense ...

Ok, just one seeming misconception: $target is not a keyword, but a simple
environment variable (ah, and you should be using $FAI_ROOT, IMHO); but the
solution should be pretty simple: State line 5 as

$ROOTCMD gcc /home/cluster/clustersoft/test.c

as $ROOTCMD expands to "chroot $FAI_ROOT", which is what you need: a chroot.


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