NFSROOT, for AOE booting

Henning Sprang henning at
Wed Dec 17 15:55:29 CET 2008

Hash: SHA1

Hi Jean,

Jean Spirat wrote:
> Basicaly it want to remove the mountpoint.

As I said, you'd have to change a line looking something like "rm -rf
to something like
rm -rf $NFSROOT/live/filesystem.dir/*

> i have an AOE target so why not use it as it remove all those
> troublesome issues for me in one swipe.

If I hade an AOE SAN, I'd also like to use it.
But I guess that's the main reason I can accept: If using AOE really
improves any security, I'm not really sure - and if it's really easier?
Maybe not, because many of the initrd scripts and stuff are not prepared
for it an booting AOE is probably rather a niche usage.

> The issue is then how to create all the initramfs files and make the
> make-fai-nfsroot works with:
> - custom initramfs configuration
> - nfsroot mount point
> without needing manual tweaking for it :)

That's where Thomas "no worry with NFS" comes into play.
FAI is only tested and made for NFS.
Finding out how to mount the AOE with the right initrd is very likely a
much bigger task than changing the command for deletion of the old nfsroot.

I guess it would be interesting for FAI if we could claim to work with
AOE SAN's - but I also guess you will not get too much help with it -
mainly lacking experience, not willingness to help - I didn't see AOE
being mentioned here before.


- --
Henning Sprang
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