No kernel installed with amd64 setup

Thomas Lange lange at
Fri Aug 10 15:09:23 CEST 2007

>>>>> On Fri, 10 Aug 2007 14:56:00 +0200, Vincent Batoufflet <vincent at> said:

    > The only noticeable error I have found in 'software.log' is: Couldn't 
    > find any package whose name or description matched "linux-image-486", 
    > the one reported in 'shell.log'.

    > In my /var/log/fai/current/FAI_CLASSES I have:

    > LINUX
    > AMD64
    > DHCPC
    > GRUB
    > work118
    > LAST

Salut Vincent,

this looks very good. Is your sources.list for the client OK? Please
check using the command "file /tmp/target/sbin/ifconfig" (during
installation) if you are really installing 64bit packages or maybe only 32bit.

If you join the IRC chnnel #fai on I can help you much
quicker, you can then also post more logs to

regards Thomas

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