Parallel FAI installations for sarge and etch on a sarge machine

Holger Levsen debian at
Thu Aug 2 10:54:19 CEST 2007


On Thursday 02 August 2007 10:12, Henning Sprang wrote:
> > I tried the "make-fai-nfsroot -c CFDIR" but ran into problems with
> > debootstrap. Has anybody succeeded in setting up such a scenario with
> > sarge and etch without migrating to FAI 3.x?
> Hmm, in the mail you cite I wrote, that you do _not_ need two nfsroots
> :) - and you also _don't_ need an additional /etc/fai-<whatever>.

That said, two nfsroots and two /etc/fai-$foo should also work, I've used it 

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