Parallel FAI installations for sarge and etch on a sarge machine

Henning Sprang henning_sprang at
Thu Aug 2 10:12:27 CEST 2007

Olaf Oexmann wrote:
> Hi all,
> in April i posted a question concearning parallel FAI installations (FAI 2.9.1 for sarge and etch on a sarge Machine) on one Machine and got some answers:
> I tried the "make-fai-nfsroot -c CFDIR" but ran into problems with debootstrap.
> Has anybody succeeded in setting up such a scenario with sarge and etch without migrating to FAI 3.x?

Hmm, in the mail you cite I wrote, that you do _not_ need two nfsroots
:) - and you also _don't_ need an additional /etc/fai-<whatever>.

I install Sarge, Ubuntu Dapper, and Etch from one nfsroot, running FAI
2.X on sarge.

The main thing you need is a base image(see the fai-distributions stuff
mentioned in the other mail, but you can create it however you wat,
basically), and some hooks to unpack it - as well as package lists with
the right packages for the additional distribution. I attach my hooks
directory for that.

This all works for me, in my environment - to get it running in your's
you might need some fiddling - I did not and will not invest a lot of
time to document this, because in FAI 3 it's much easier, and many
things are fully integrated into FAI now.

But I happily answer questions if you have further problems - only,
please include better descriptions of what you did and what the error
message was next time :)


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