Need help understanding the partition/mountdisks tasks

Michael Tautschnig tautschn at
Wed Nov 8 21:32:26 CET 2006

> I need to write some scripts that will modify the file system on the 
> disk.  I'm lookin in the manual for partition mountdisks and it says 
> that my local disk should be mounted according to /tmp/fai/fstab 
> relative to $FAI_ROOT, but I don't quite understand how things are being 
> mounted.  How is /tmp/fai/fstab generated?  Is this the same as the 
> fstab in my logs directory? If I had a single / partition, where would 
> this be mounted to during the install?
/tmp/fai/fstab is generated by setup_harddisks, which is called by
the partition task; and yes, it is the same as backuped in the logs directory.

Upon installation, everything is mounted below /tmp/target, so / would be
/tmp/target, other partitions, e.g. /usr, would then be mounted as


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