/TECH/ NIS install, fai scripts?

Henning Glawe glaweh at physik.fu-berlin.de
Wed Oct 26 08:13:39 CEST 2005

On Tue, Oct 25, 2005 at 04:38:31PM -0400, Dan B. Phung wrote:
> then...I guess what I really need is to append the contents of my files to
> these files.  is there a flag for append for fcopy, or is this best done
> in a hook?  for example, I want to append:
> +foo::0:0:::
> to the /etc/passwd file.  I want to put a list of these entries to append
> in a file.  What have others done in the past to install NIS?

fcopy for: 

cfengine for modifying /etc/{passwd,group}:


#! /usr/bin/cfengine
# $Id: S10passwd.cf,v 1.1 2002/07/05 12:59:35 glaweh Exp $
	OutputPrefix = ("${cf_prefix}")
	actionsequence = ( editfiles )
		{ ${target}/etc/passwd 
			AppendIfNoSuchLine "+::::::"
		{ ${target}/etc/group
			AppendIfNoSuchLine "+:::"

c u

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