$HOSTNAME problem

Manuel Kiessling manuel at kiessling.net
Tue Feb 15 11:28:33 CET 2005

God dammit!

do not - I repeat - DO NOT add "etherconf" to your packages - it will 
screw up your /etc/hostname file!

Oh man, and I didn't even need etherconf...

Manuel Kiessling schrieb:
> Hello,
> as I've mentioned on the IRC channel, the $HOSTNAME bugged me at several 
>  occasions, which I could nearly fix, only at one FAI task it is still a 
> problem: While installing the software packages, the hostname seems to 
> get set to ".localdomain.fake". Some of my self-baked .debs use the 
> hostname in order to configure themself, thus this is a bit annoying for 
> me.
> I have one suspicion: Could it be that when the packages are installed, 
> there is some basic system package which installs the file /etc/hostname 
> to the target directory, writing this ".localdomain.fake" into it, which 
> then the following packages see as the hostname?
> If that is the case, then a hook right before the package install task 
> which installs this basic system package using 'chroot 
> /tmp/target/apt-get install packagename' and puts the correct hostname 
> into the file afterwards should do it.
> The question is: which package could that be?


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