FAI 2.8 and Ubuntu Hoary : sfdisk: cannot open /dev/hda for reading

Thomas Lange lange at informatik.Uni-Koeln.DE
Fri Apr 22 16:38:32 CEST 2005

>>>>> On Fri, 22 Apr 2005 10:33:07 -0400, Andre Luis Lopes <andrelop at gmail.com> said:

    >     I don't know if this is somewhat related to the fact that Ubuntu 
    > uses udev by default, but sfdisk can't open /dev/hda on the target 
    > system for reading and so it can't partition the device and then the 
    > installation can't go on.
Maybe the FAI setup scripts (inside the nfsroot) do not activate udev
support on the install client. The default /etc/init.d scripts are not
run by FAI. Do you know which scripts/commands are used to enable udev

regards Thomas

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