Installing woody with fai 2.6.3

Paul Nijjar pnijjar at
Fri Oct 29 16:59:28 CEST 2004

On Fri, 29 Oct 2004, Davide Di Giulio wrote:

> I have a question. I would want to install a woody client from a 2.6.3
> version of fai. It is possible?
	It may be possible but it will require quite a bit of fiddling
with scripts:
	- The base and standard packages have changed from woody to sarge,
so you will have to get rid of the sarge packages that are not available
in woody (and maybe add woody packages whose names have changed for
sarge). I am pretty sure this will affect make-fai-nfsroot as well.

	- The new 06hwdetect.source (and maybe a couple of other scripts)
use discover2 for hardware detection. The old versions used discover1. The
syntax between these two has changed significantly. If you can find a
backport of discover2 for woody you may be able to install it and use the
newer versions of the scripts.

	Most of FAI would not need to be changed -- it's all just Perl and
shell scripts.

	I am not sure whether you can install woody and sarge both from
the same server, using two nfsroots. Since make-fai-nfsroot takes "-n" and
"-f" options, you might be able to get away with it using two different
versions of fai.conf. But I have not tried this. I imagine that booting to
the correct nfsroot might be a problem.

- Paul

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