Sandor Szuecs sszuecs at
Wed Jun 9 10:43:02 CEST 2004

Hey Justin Beckely,

On Thu, 13 May 2004, Justin Beckley wrote:

> The computer I am having problems on is a Dell Optiplex GX 150.  It has
> a Lite-On CDRW drive, Iomega 250 MB ZIP, floppy.  The ZIP drive is on
> IDE0 as hdc.  The CDRW is on IDE1 as hdc.  I am using kernel 2.6.3.  I
	  ^^^                          ^^^
The problem could be that 2 devices have hdc.
I think, if Linux wants to start the devices there is a conflict
I don't really know fai, because I never used it before.

Sandor Szuecs

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