fai and sarge

W. Borgert debacle at debian.org
Mon Oct 27 20:47:38 CET 2003

Hi Erik,

> nfsroot and tried to install a client.  FAI's cfengine scripts refused
> to be called because the file package in sid no longer recognised
> cfengine scripts.  I worked around the problem by installing the file
> package from woody.  I have not yet sent a bug report to the file
> maintainer.

Could you please report the bug?  Or just send the
troublesome cfengine scripts to me and I will file the bug.
I would like to see a working FAI in sarge :-)


Btw.: If you never reported a bug against a Debian package
before, I highly recommend to apt-get install reportbug and
type 'reportbug'.  You will be asked for a package name, a
short description, severity ("normal") and finally a mail to
submit at bugs.debian.org will be send.
W. Borgert <debacle at debian.org>, Linux User #7456 http://counter.li.org/

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