Howto get rid of entries in error.log?

Niklaus Giger ngiger at
Tue Jul 22 22:33:22 CEST 2003


I successfully minimised entries in error.log by better  specifing what to 
install but there are the following entries which I do not understand:
- dmesg.log:sfdisk ERROR: sector 0 does not have an msdos signature
(I do not have a floppy on my target system)

-shell.log:ftar died with error: No directory /fai/files//usr/local
(To get rid of it I changed a line in scripts/DEFAULT/S01 from
ifclass USR_LOCAL_MOUNT || ftar /usr/local
ifclass USR_LOCAL_MOUNT && ftar /usr/local

- cfengine.log: cfengine: Cannot access file/directory 
(Should /etc/mailname be constructed from the HOSTNAME variables instead of
e.g is a solution like        {
          AppendIfNoSuchLine "$(HOSTNAME)"
in scripts/DEFAULT/S20 (editfiles) not better than 
${target}/etc/mailname mode=644 owner=0 group=0 action=touch

Any commenty on these problems would be appreciated.

Best regards in advance

Niklaus Giger
Wieshoschet 6
CH-8753 Mollis
Tel. ++41 55 612 20 54 (privat)
Tel. ++41 55 618 64 68 (Geschäft)

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