Using FAI to build custom Debian install and iso?

Bruce Edge bedge at
Tue Jan 21 21:16:39 CET 2003

> -----Original Message-----
> From: Dan Peterson [mailto:oroville_dan at]

> --- Bruce  Edge <bedge at> wrote:
> > I've been using Niall's scripts. They do exactly
> > what you asked.
> > My CD contains the a debian package repository, the
> > FAI installer scripts and classes, and a root
> > filesystem to boot from.
> > It detects different hardware configuations, loads
> > drivers if needed, pick a partition map based on the
> > disks it detected, ask the user a couple of
> > configuration questions that are specific to our
> > installs, then proceeds to install debian, a bunch
> > of packages, a boot loader, and our software.
> Thanks to all who replied.  I haven't tried it out
> yet, but just out of curiosity, how large is the iso
> image it creates?
> Thanks again,
> Dan

Depends on what packages you include.
By default it will grab all packages defined in all of your package_config/* files, however you can exclude classes from inclusion into the depot that it builds.
My CD image is about 500 Meg. I'm including X, KDE, compilers, debuggers, development stuff, many editors, basically everything I could think of that might be of some use. So that's 500 meg at full bloat.


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