FAI kernel image without modules.

Daniel Pittman daniel at rimspace.net
Tue Feb 4 13:25:18 CET 2003

On Tue, 4 Feb 2003, Thomas Lange wrote:
> > As a rule I use kernels without module support built in for my
> > kernels.  It's not that I care that deeply about the issue --
> > it's just that having everything I use built in means that I
> > don't have to administer module configuration or anything like
> > that.
> What do you have to configure for that? 

Which modules are used for which hardware, notably network cards and
SCSI adapters. 

> Loading kernel modules is done mostly automatic. And it's more work to
> create a special install kernel, than using the default kernel. 

I have to do that anyway; my servers use Tigron3 gigabit NICs, which
don't have support in the default kernel. ;)

> So you will save module configuration, but you have to build the
> kernel by your own. Will one kernel suffice for all your machines? Or
> do you have to build several install kernels? What is less work?

In my experience, building the custom kernel. Your millage may vary.

> Anyway, I will apply your patch if you really need this.

That would be nice. It's not very complex, so I can't see it causing
anyone else problems.


Shadows of music in distant hallways, sketches of it seeping out when a door
would open. Mathematics of trees, Fibonacci whorls of shell and, further out,
the beach it lay upon, fractal in fractal. Anima mundi saecula saeculorum.
        -- Christopher Locke, _EGR: It's Your Lucky Day_ Wed, 5 Dec 2001

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