Errors In Logs

Haakon Humberset humbe at
Wed Dec 3 09:38:51 CET 2003

On Tue, 2 Dec 2003, Andrew Nelson wrote:
> Calling task_savelog
> Save log files via rsh to fai at atom00:atom01/install-20031202_182639
> Bad port '-d'
> I can read get this message because I have configured fail to start the ssh server while installing.  This message is found in /tmp/fai/rcS.log .

I use scp for writing logs back to install server, so I haven't seen rsh
errors on this before. But when you're done installing, try to rcp files
manually to your install server and you'll probably get the same error.
The client needs to be able to login to fai account on server without a

If you enable debugging info (By uncommenting '#set -xv' in
/usr/lib/fai/nfsroot/sbin/rcS_fai) you'll see the command that fails
too. Either you must configure your system to support that exact command
or you must edit script/config to get it to use a command that works for

> I also get the following error that worries me a bit more.
> Writing file /boot/fai/pxelinux.cfg/C0A8010B for atom01
> /usr/sbin/fai-chboot  Permission denied at /usr/sbin/fai-chboot line 124.

This is for booting over LAN. And permission denied leads me to believe
that you don't have rights to write to the given directory or it doesn't
exist. See documentation on tftpd for more details..

> I only have two other problems although these I think I can fix by writing some scripts.
> 1.  After an install I get no teminals until I boot into single user mode and edit /etc/innittab to uncomment the lines that look as follows.
> 1:2345:respawn:/sbin/getty 38400 tty1
> I figure I could write a hook or class file or something to do this durning the install but I curious I'm doing something dumb that is causing this and if I just stopped doing that dumb thing would that fix my poblem.

You must edit the configuration scripts to your liking and know what
your classes do.. This I assume is because you're using the default
class NOGETTY..

> 2.  After booting the newly installed node and getting the inittab fixed and then getting out of single user mode I run desect just to be sure all the packages are up to date and I get end up needing to download about 26 megs of new files.  Now this shows up in shell.log so I don't quite know what is going on.
> Running "apt-get -f install" for the last time.
> This is just about the last thing to show up in shell.log so I'm suprised it turns out there are more packages to be installed after I have the node installed.

I assume you ment dselect and not desect. dselect wants to install all
recommended packages. You haven't selected all recommended packages for
install earlier so then it wants to add on a bunch of more packages. If
you don't want these packages installed, don't use dselect!



Haakon Humberset, Research Scientist, Interagon AS.       +47 982 03875                            humbe at

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