scsi problems

Mark Hedges hedges at
Thu Oct 10 19:44:41 CEST 2002

I was able to do an installation on a system with a single
scsi disk--- it loaded ide-scsi and aic7xxx modules.  But then
when it rebooted, it could not access the disk to load these
modules to access the disk... kernel panic trying to load vfs.
(Is that what happened?  It did get that far....  Bad disk?)

I tried again using a kernel with scsi support built-in,
instead of modules.  This time, although `discover` finds
the disks, setup_harddisks did not, and Debian::Fai replies
that there are no disks, so it selects "DISKLESS".

Any ideas?  I'm frustrated.  I'm probably missing something obvious.


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